Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What is love for me?

 For me love is an inevitable event in our lives. We can't see it coming and when it strike, it will strike hard. Love is a very fantastic yet very frustrating feeling. When you love, you'd be more willing to give everything, but when it fails... it will leave you nothing. But there's a bright side in failing in love, because love is like a tsunami, after it strike it will leave you nothing but an empty space. A wide empty space and that space will be the place for a new love, new opportunity and happiness. That empty space will give you hope to fill up again your empty heart again and move on. Even if how many times we fail in love, we must never stop to seek and give love because we can't be truly happy if we hold on to our terrible past. Learn to move forward and accept things.
That's all. Thank you!!!! 

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