Monday, November 2, 2015

That feeling...

    That feeling when even if he keeps on hurting you, you still fall in love for him over and over again.
   That feeling when even if how many times he had tried to kill, emotionally, you still find yourself loving him unconditionally.
   That feeling when you keep on holding on while he keeps on letting you go, setting you loose.
   That feeling when you keep on loving him even if he doesn't seem to care about what you feel at all.
   That feeling when you tried to forsaken his happiness even if it kills you inside.
   That feeling when even if how many times you've tried to get over him but you still find yourself thinking about him every single moment of your life.
   That feeling when you just wanted to stop breathing because the person you love the most doesn't love you back.
   That feeling when you just wanted to flee, escape and run away from all the burdens and grief.


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