Thursday, March 17, 2016

Not yet

I still stalk you.
I still think about you everytime I close my eyes at night.
I still want to get in touch with you.
Because I still love you..
Even though you already broke my heart for a thousand times.,,,my feelings never change. And I realize that I am not yet done
with love. Because I keep on loving you despite the fact that our relationship is over.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Peak of Beauty and Hope

In the cold breeze of the morning
When the sun seems to start shining
The sky is so blue
Filled with birds;above they flew

Chilly as the winter
Giving hope, not despair
To this new day has come
Hoping all the sadness will be gone

As I watch the field
In my heart, I feel something weird
A touch of happiness
And a caress of gentleness

So amaze of the beauty of nature
Calling for protection and nurture
In this beautiful land of thee
I beg you to come back to me!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Love That Once We Had

Even after all these years

I still remember all those tears

Which flows upon my lovely cheeks 

And I know it cannot be fix 

Your warm hugs and kisses

Are all I want and misses 

Those times when we're together 

Feels like I already found forever

I have tried so much to erase 

All our terrible and tragic mess 

But I can't really move on 

'Cause I'm still holding on