Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Holiday Together With The Family

I’m so excited for this coming Christmas holiday and for the New Year celebration; not because I’m going to Disneyland or somewhere but because I’m going to spend it together with my family. Yes, I know it’s too simple, but for me, it’s more than enough. Just like before, we used to spend the holidays together with the whole family. I’m looking forward of what will be the gift that I would receive from my big sister.
While during this holiday vacation, I’m going to spend it watching Korean drama series together with my mother because she also loves watching K-dramas, too. I can say that watching T.V. is our bonding.
And when the day of Christmas come, my mother and I will cook desserts such as mango float, macaroni salad, and buko salad. I know we’re going to have so much fun this coming Christmas.
When the New Year’s come, our celebration must be extravagant, for sure. I really wonder why my mother spends a lot of effort during New Year than Christmas day.
All I ever wanted was to celebrate the Christmas and New Year’s Day together with the whole family. It would be really warm and ecstatic. Well, I guess, it’s one of the Filipino tradition in which family should be together during different kinds of holidays. All I can say is that it’s a very hospitable and awesome tradition.